Tuesday, June 28, 2011

mistake ??

im wondering , did i done something mistake ?
ok im sorry if i did .
but believe me , i did all tht bcoz ily
i juz want you to know tht i like you
i juz want you to know tht i appreciate you
please accept it , if it is so hard , pliss juz this time .
after this i promise i wont do something like tht again .
i thought you will like it , but ..
you seems dont like it . it makes me feel worried ok !
dont hate me bcoz of it ,
keep in trusting me , i juz like you .
I JUST LIKE YOU . remember that .

Friday, June 24, 2011

one of my 'TALL'

haha i love my tallvvip so much lahh !
youu ~ like wht did i've said ,
semakin hari semakin syg aku kt kau !
i will do anything to make you love me like i do
just say wht you want ,
i will try my best to give it to you
cuz i have fall in love with you !
<3      =)

TALL !! ^^

im so addicted to tall person ! waaa !!!! suke gilark2
idk why , makin lama makin rmai orang yg tinggi aku suka ! haha
mostly of my VIP person is tall , but act ak suke dorg mula2 not cuz dorg tggi
dorg ad keistimewaan2 sendiri yg wt ak tertarik .
first start with M , org yg paling2 aku syg
then TA , smakin hari smakin syg
after tht H , suka dy giler2 ! haha
n lately S , ouhh aku btol2 nk dkt ngn dy ! haha

hooi~~ act sbnrnye kt sini aku nk gtau yg ak syg korg lahhh ! haha ! sumpah ! korg dh trmasuk dlm VIP list ak . mmmuaahh2~ :* haha